@bluelibs/runner - v2.2.0

BlueLibs Runner

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BlueLibs Runner is a framework that provides a functional approach to building applications, whether small or large-scale. Its core concepts include Tasks, Resources, Events, and Middleware. Tasks represent the units of logic, while resources are singletons that provide shared services across the application. Events facilitate communication between different parts of the system, and Middleware allows interception and modification of task execution. The framework emphasizes an async-first philosophy, ensuring that all operations are executed asynchronously for smoother application flow.

  • Tasks: Core units of logic that encapsulate specific tasks. They can depend on resources, other tasks, and event emitters.
  • Resources: Singleton objects providing shared functionality. They can be constants, services, functions. They can depend on other resources, tasks, and event emitters.
  • Events: Facilitate asynchronous communication between different parts of your application. All tasks and resources emit events, allowing you to easily hook. Events can be listened to by tasks, resources, and middleware.
  • Middleware: Intercept and modify the execution of tasks or initialisation of your resources. They can be used to add additional functionality to your tasks. Middleware can be global or task-specific.

These are the concepts and philosophy:

  • Async: Everything is async, no more sync code for this framework. Sync-code can be done via resource services or within tasks, but the high-level flow needs to run async.
  • Type safety: Built with TypeScript for enhanced developer experience and type-safety everywhere, no more type mistakes.
  • Functional: We use functions and objects instead of classes for DI. This is a functional approach to building applications.
  • Explicit Registration: All tasks, resources, events, and middleware have to be explicitly registered to be used.
  • Dependencies: Tasks, resources, and middleware can have access to each other by depending on one another and event emitters. This is a powerful way to explicitly declare the dependencies.

Resources return their value to the container using the async init() function, making them available throughout the application.

Tasks provide their output through the async run() function, allowing the results to be used across the application.

All tasks, resources, events, and middleware must be explicitly registered to be used. Registration can only be done within resources.

npm install @bluelibs/runner
import { run, resource } from "@bluelibs/runner";

const minimal = resource({
async init() {
return "Hello world!";

run(minimal).then((result) => {
expect(result).toBe("Hello world!");

Resources are singletons and can include constants, services, functions, and more. They can depend on other resources, tasks, and event emitters.

Tasks are designed to be trackable units of logic, such as handling specific routes on your HTTP server or performing actions needed by different parts of the application. This makes it easy to monitor what’s happening in your application.

import { task, run, resource } from "@bluelibs/runner";

const helloTask = task({
id: "app.hello",
run: async () => "Hello World!",

const app = resource({
id: "app",
register: [helloTask],
dependencies: {
hello: helloTask,
async init(_, deps) {
return await deps.hello();

const result = await run(app); // "Hello World!"

It is unrealistic to create a task for everything you're doing in your system, not only it will be tedious for the developer, but it will affect performance unnecessarily. The idea is to think of a task of something that you want trackable as a higher-level action, for example:

  • "app.user.register" - this is a task, registers the user, returns a token
  • "app.user.createComment" - this is a task, creates a comment, returns the comment maybe
  • "app.user.updateFriendList" - this task can be re-used from many other tasks or resources as necessary

Resources are more like services, they are singletons, they are meant to be used as a shared functionality across your application. They can be constants, services, functions, etc.

Resources can include a dispose() method for cleanup tasks. This is useful for actions like closing database connections. You should use dispose() when you have open connections or need to perform cleanup during a graceful shutdown.

import { task, run, resource } from "@bluelibs/runner";

const dbResource = resource({
async init(config, deps) {
const db = await connectToDatabase();
return db;
// the value returned from init() will be passed to dispose()
async dispose(db, config, deps) {
return db.close();

To call dispose(), you need to use the global resource called store, since everything is encapsulated. This allows you to access the internal parts of the system to start the disposal process.

import { task, run, resource, globals } from "@bluelibs/runner";

const app = resource({
id: "app",
register: [dbResource],
dependencies: {
store: globals.resources.store,
async init(_, deps) {
// We use the fact that we can reuse the value we got from here
return {
dispose: async () => deps.store.dispose(),

const value = await run(app);
// To begin the disposal process.
await value.dispose();

Resources can be set up with a configuration object, which is helpful for passing in specific settings. For example, if you’re building a library and initializing a mailer service, you can provide the SMTP credentials through this configuration.

import { task, run, resource } from "@bluelibs/runner";

type Config = { smtpUrl: string; defaultFrom: string };

const emailerResource = resource({
// automatic type inference.
async init(config: Config) {
// todo: perform config checks with a library like zod
return {
sendEmail: async (to: string, subject: string, body: string) => {
// send *email*

const app = resource({
id: "app",
register: [
// proper autocompletion is present
emailerResource.with({ smtpUrl: "smtp://localhost", defaultFrom: "" }),

If by any chance your main app has configs then they will be passed via the second argument of run, like this:

run(app, config);

You can depend on tasks, resources, events and (indirectly) on middleware.

import { task, resource, run, event } from "@bluelibs/runner";

const helloWorld = task({
middleware: [logMiddleware],
dependencies: {
async run(_, deps) {
await deps.userRegisteredEvent();
return "Hello World!";

const app = resource({
id: "app",
// You have to register everything you use.
register: [helloWorld, logMiddleware],
dependencies: {
async init(_, deps) {
await deps.helloWorld();


We have a circular dependency checker to ensure consistency. If a circular dependency is found, an error will be thrown, showing the exact paths involved.

Tasks, however, are not bound by this restriction; they can freely depend on each other as needed.

The dependencies get injected as follows:

Component Injection Description
tasks Injected as functions with their input argument
resources Injected as their return value
events Injected as functions with their payload argument
middleware Not typically injected; used via a middleware: [] array

Events are triggered when specific actions occur in your app, like a user registration or a new comment. When you catch these events, you also receive the emitted data along with the source of the event. Knowing the source of the event without explicitly specifying it can be very helpful in large applications.

You can listen for these events using tasks and resources, and similarly, emit them from tasks and resources through dependencies.

import { task, run, event } from "@bluelibs/runner";

const afterRegisterEvent = event<{ userId: string }>({
id: "app.user.afterRegister",

const root = resource({
id: "app",
register: [afterRegisterEvent],
dependencies: {
async init(_, deps) {
// the event becomes a function that you run with the propper payload
await deps.afterRegisterEvent({ userId: string });

To listen to events you have to create a task.

import { task, run, event } from "@bluelibs/runner";

const afterRegisterEvent = event<{ userId: string }>({
id: "app.user.afterRegister",

const helloTask = task({
id: "app.hello",
on: afterRegisterEvent,
listenerPriority: 0, // this is the order in which the task will be executed when `on` is present
run(event) {
event.source; // id which middleware, task, resource triggered it
console.log("User has been registered!");

const app = resource({
id: "app",
register: [afterRegisterEvent, helloTask],
dependencies: {
async init(_, deps) {
await deps.afterRegisterEvent({ userId: "XXX" });

You can listen to all events by using the wildcard *. However you need to manually check if your dependencies have been computed. For example we dispatch events like 'global.beforeInit' before anything is initialized.

import { task, resource, run, event, global } from "@bluelibs/runner";

const afterRegisterEvent = event<{ userId: string }>({
id: "app.user.registered",

const logAllEventsTask = task({
id: "app.tasks.logAllEvents",
on: "*",
run(event) {
console.log("Event detected", event.id, event.data);

const root = resource({
id: "app",
register: [afterRegisterEvent, logAllEventsTask],
dependencies: {},
async init(_, deps) {
deps.afterRegisterEvent({ userId: "XXX" });

Middleware intercepts the execution of tasks or the initialization of resources, providing a powerful means to enhance functionality. The order in which middleware is registered dictates its execution priority: the first middleware registered is the first to run, while the last middleware in the middleware array at the task level is the closest to the task itself, executing just before the task completes. (Imagine an onion if you will, with the task at the core.)

import { task, resource, run, event } from "@bluelibs/runner";

const logMiddleware = middleware({
id: "app.middleware.log",
dependencies: {
// inject tasks, resources, eventCallers here.
async run(data, deps) {
const { taskDefinition, resourceDefinition, config, next, input } = data;

// The middleware can be for a task or a resource, depending on which you get the right elements.
if (taskDefinition) {
console.log("Before task", taskDefinition.id);
const result = await next(input); // pass the input to the next middleware or task
console.log("After task", taskDefinition.id);
} else {
console.log("Before resource", resourceDefinition.id);
const result = await next(config); // pass the input to the next middleware or task
console.log("After resource", resourceDefinition.id);

return result;

const helloTask = task({
id: "app.hello",
middleware: [logMiddleware],
run(event) {
console.log("User has been registered!");

If you want to register a middleware for all tasks and resources, here's how you can do it:

import { run, resource } from "@bluelibs/runner";

const logMiddleware = middleware({
id: "app.middleware.log",
// ... rest

const root = resource({
id: "app",
register: [logMiddleware.global() /* this will apply to all tasks */],

The middleware can only be registered once. This means that if you register a middleware as global, you cannot specify it as a task middleware. This is to avoid confusion and to keep the system clean.

If an error is thrown in a task, the error will be propagated up to the top runner.

import { task, run, event } from "@bluelibs/runner";

const helloWorld = task({
id: "app.helloWorld",
run() {
throw new Error("Something went wrong");

const app = resource({
id: "app",
register: [helloWorld],
dependencies: {
async init() {
await helloWorld();

run(app).catch((err) => {

You can listen to errors via events:

const helloWorld = task({
id: "app.tasks.helloWorld.onError",
on: helloWorld.events.onError,
run({ error, input, suppress }, deps) {
// this will be called when an error happens

// if you handled the error, and you don't want it propagated to the top, supress the propagation.
const helloWorld = resource({
id: "app.resources.helloWorld.onError",
on: helloWorld.events.onError,
init({ error, input, suppress }, deps) {
// this will be called when an error happens

// if you handled the error, and you don't want it propagated to the top, supress the propagation.

You can attach metadata to tasks, resources, events, and middleware.

import { task, run, event } from "@bluelibs/runner";

const helloWorld = task({
id: "app.helloWorld",
meta: {
title: "Hello World",
description: "This is a hello world task",
tags: ["api"],
run() {
return "Hello World!";

This is particularly helpful to use in conjunction with global middlewares, or global events, they can read some meta tag definition and act accordingly, decorate them or log them.

The interfaces look like this:

export interface IMeta {
title?: string;
description?: string;
tags: string[];

export interface ITaskMeta extends IMeta {}
export interface IResourceMeta extends IMeta {}
export interface IEventMeta extends IMeta {}
export interface IMiddlewareMeta extends IMeta {}

Which means you can extend them in your system to add more keys to better describe your actions.

We expose direct access to the following internal services:

  • Store (contains Map()s for events, tasks, resources, middleware configurations)
  • TaskRunner (can run tasks definitions directly and within D.I. context)
  • EventManager (can emit and listen to events)

Attention, we do not encourage you to use these services directly, unless you really have to, they are exposed for advanced use-case scenarios.

import { task, run, event, globals } from "@bluelibs/runner";

const helloWorld = task({
id: "app.helloWorld",
dependencies: {
store: globals.resources.store,
taskRunner: globals.resources.taskRunner,
eventManager: globals.resources.eventManager,
run(_, deps) {
// you benefit of full autocompletion here

Domain usually is "app", but as your application grows or you plan on building external libraries the naming convention should be: "companyName.packageName".

Type Format
Tasks {domain}.tasks.{taskName}
Listener Tasks {domain}.tasks.{taskName}.on{EventName}
Resources {domain}.resources.{resourceName}
Events {domain}.events.{eventName}
Middleware {domain}.middleware.{middlewareName}

You can always create helpers for you as you're creating your tasks, resources, middleware:

function namespaced(id) {
return `bluelibs.core.${id}`;

We need to import all the tasks, resources, events, and middlewares, a convention for their naming is to export them like this

import { userCreatedEvent } from "./events";
export const events = {
userCreated: userCreatedEvent,
// ...

export const tasks = {
doSomething: doSomethingTask,

export const resources = {
root: rootResource,
user: userResource,

Often the root will register all needed items, so you don't have to register anything but the root.

import { resource } from "@bluelibs/runner";
import * as packageName from "package-name";

const app = resource({
id: "app",
register: [packageName.resources.root],


Now you can freely use any of the tasks, resources, events, and middlewares from the packageName namespace.

This approach is very powerful when you have multiple packages and you want to compose them together.

Or is it just fantasy?

Typically, an application consists of an Express server (to handle HTTP requests), a database, and various services. You can conveniently define all of these components within a single file and execute them together.

import { task, resource, run, event } from "@bluelibs/runner";
import express from "express";

const expressServer = resource({
id: "app.express",
async init() {
const app = express();
app.listen(3000).then(() => {
console.log("Server is running on port 3000");

// because we return it you can now access it via dependencies
return app;

const setupRoutes = resource({
id: "app.routes",
dependencies: {
async init(_, deps) {
deps.expressServer.use("/api", (req, res) => {
res.json({ hello: "world" });

// Just run them, init() will be called everywhere.
const app = resource({
id: "app",
register: [expressServer, setupRoutes],


The system intelligently determines the order in which init() functions should be called, ensuring that all dependencies are initialized first. In the case of circular dependencies, it will throw an error, providing the exact paths to help identify the issue.

Or just simple config, you can do it for your business logic, environment variables, etc.

import { resource, run } from "@bluelibs/runner";

// we keep it as const because we will also benefit of type-safety
const businessData = {
pricePerSubscription: 9.99,

const businessConfig = resource({
id: "app.config",
async init() {
return businessData;

const app = resource({
id: "app",
register: [businessConfig],
dependencies: { businessConfig },
async init(_, deps) {


You can listen to all events by using the wildcard *. However, keep in mind that to avoid infinite recursion, all the events coming from the same source will be ignored.

At the same time, if a task is listening to all events such as beforeRun, since it's a task, triggering beforeRun will lead to infinite recursion, this is why we ignore emitting the same event from the same source.

This guide outlines the key global events that can be used throughout your application to hook into resource and task lifecycle moments. These events help monitor initialization, execution, and errors, making your system more resilient and traceable.

Global events are categorized into:

  • Initialization events: Before and after a resource or task is initialized.
  • Execution events: Before and after a task runs.
  • Error events: Handling errors for both tasks and resources.

This event is triggered just before a task is executed. It allows you to inspect or modify the input to the task.

id: "logBeforeRun",
on: globalEvents.tasks.beforeRun, // Listening to the beforeRun event
run(event) {
console.log("Task is about to run with input:", event.data.input);

Use Case: You can use this event to log input data or modify it before the task execution.

This event fires immediately after a task finishes. It provides access to both the task input and the result (output).

id: "logAfterRun",
on: globalEvents.tasks.afterRun, // Listening to the afterRun event
run(event) {
"Task completed. Input:",

Use Case: Useful for logging or post-processing based on the task's output.

If an error occurs during the execution of a task, this event is triggered. You can log or suppress the error.

id: "handleTaskError",
on: globalEvents.tasks.onError, // Listening to the onError event
run(event) {
console.error("Error occurred:", event.data.error);
event.data.suppress(); // Optionally suppress the error to prevent propagation

Use Case: Error handling logic for specific tasks. For example, you may want to send alerts when a task fails.

This event is triggered before a resource starts its initialization. It allows inspection or modification of the configuration before the resource is fully initialized.

id: "logBeforeResourceInit",
on: globalEvents.resources.beforeInit, // Listening to beforeInit event for resources
run(event) {
console.log("Initializing resource with config:", event.data.config);

Use Case: Logging or validating the resource's configuration before initialization.

This event fires after a resource is initialized, giving access to the initialization result.

id: "logAfterResourceInit",
on: globalEvents.resources.afterInit, // Listening to afterInit event
run(event) {
console.log("Resource initialized with value:", event.data.value);

Use Case: Post-processing or logging resource initialization details.

If an error occurs during resource initialization, this event is triggered. You can log or handle the error.

id: "handleResourceError",
on: globalEvents.resources.onError, // Listening to resource onError event
run(event) {
console.error("Resource initialization error:", event.data.error);
event.data.suppress(); // Optionally suppress the error to prevent propagation

Use Case: Error handling for critical resources, allowing for fallback mechanisms or error logging.

To make use of these events, you will typically define tasks that respond to these global events. These tasks can then be registered in your main application resource to handle events for resources and tasks alike.

const app = resource({
id: "app",
register: [


This structure helps you create a centralized and modular approach to manage events and handle tasks and resource lifecycles in your system.

Here’s a summary of all the global events you can listen to:

  • global.beforeInit: Triggered before any resource is initialized.
  • global.afterInit: Triggered after any resource is initialized.
  • global.log: Used for logging across the system.
  • Task-specific events:
    • global.tasks.beforeRun: Fired before a task begins execution.
    • global.tasks.afterRun: Fired after a task completes.
    • global.tasks.onError: Fired if a task encounters an error.
  • Resource-specific events:
    • global.resources.beforeInit: Fired before a resource is initialized.
    • global.resources.afterInit: Fired after a resource is initialized.
    • global.resources.onError: Fired if an error occurs during resource initialization.

This modular event system helps in building more reactive and error-tolerant applications.

When creating tasks or resources we also create lifecycle events for them stored in events property.

import { task, run, event } from "@bluelibs/runner";

// Define the task
const helloWorld = task({
id: "app.helloWorld",
async run() {
// Task logic here
return "Hello World!";

// Define the tasks for beforeRun, afterRun, and onError using the `on` property
const beforeHelloWorldTask = task({
id: "app.helloWorld.beforeRun",
on: helloWorld.events.beforeRun, // Listening to beforeRun event
async run(event) {
const input = event.data.input; // Handle the input before task runs
console.log("Before run:", input);

const afterHelloWorldTask = task({
id: "app.helloWorld.afterRun",
on: helloWorld.events.afterRun, // Listening to afterRun event
async run(event) {
const output = event.data.output; // Handle the output after task runs
console.log("After run:", output);

const helloWorldErrorTask = task({
id: "app.helloWorld.onError",
on: helloWorld.events.onError, // Listening to onError event
async run(event) {
const error = event.data.error; // Handle errors during task execution
console.error("Error:", error);

// Register all tasks to the app
const app = resource({
id: "app",
register: [

// Run the app
import { task, run, event } from "@bluelibs/runner";

// Define the resource
const businessConfig = resource({
id: "app.businessConfig",
async init(config) {
// Business logic to initialize config
return { value: "Business Configuration Loaded" };

// Define tasks for handling events beforeInit, afterInit, and onError

const beforeInitTask = task({
id: "app.businessConfig.beforeInit",
on: businessConfig.events.beforeInit, // Listening to beforeInit event
async run(event) {
const config = event.data.config; // Handle the config input before resource initialization
console.log("Before init:", config);

const afterInitTask = task({
id: "app.businessConfig.afterInit",
on: businessConfig.events.afterInit, // Listening to afterInit event
async run(event) {
const value = event.data.value; // Handle the return value after resource initialization
console.log("After init:", value);

const businessConfigErrorTask = task({
id: "app.businessConfig.onError",
on: businessConfig.events.onError, // Listening to onError event
async run(event) {
const error = event.data.error; // Handle errors during resource initialization
console.error("Error during initialization:", error);

// Register all tasks and the businessConfig resource to the app
const app = resource({
id: "app",
register: [

// Run the app

This is just a "language" of developing applications. It simplifies dependency injection to the barebones, it forces you to think more functional and use classes less.

This doesn't mean you shouldn't use classes, just not for hooking things up together.

You can add many services or external things into the runner ecosystem with things like:

import { task, run, event } from "@bluelibs/runner";

// proxy declaration pattern
const expressResource = resource({
id: "app.helloWorld",
run: async (app: express.Application) => app,

const app = resource({
id: "app",
register: [expressResource.with(express())],
dependencies: {
express: expressResource,
init: async (_, { express }) => {
express.get("/", (req, res) => {
res.send("Hello World!");


This demonstrates how effortlessly an external service can be encapsulated within the runner ecosystem. This ‘pattern’ of storing objects in this manner is quite unique, as it typically involves configurations with various options, rather than directly using an Express instance like this:

type Config = {
port: number;

const expressResource = resource({
id: "app.helloWorld",
init: async (config: Config) => {
const app = express();
return app;

const app = resource({
id: "app",
register: [expressResource.with({ port: 3000 })],
dependencies: {
express: expressResource,
init: async (_, { express }) => {
// type is automagically infered.
express.get("/", (req, res) => {
res.send("Hello World!");


When registering resources with specific configuration, the initialization order usually doesn’t matter. However, there are cases where it becomes crucial. For instance, consider a security service that allows the injection of a custom hashing function to transition from MD5 to SHA-256.

In such cases, your resource should provide a method for other resources to update it. A straightforward approach is to expose a configuration option that lets you set a custom hasher, like so:

type SecurityResourceConfig = {
hasher: (str: string) => string;

const securityResource = resource({
id: "app.security",
async init(config: SecurityResourceConfig) {
return {
hash: (input: string) => config.hasher(input),

const app = resource({
id: "app",
register: [securityResource.with({ hasher: (input) => md5(input) })],

However, other resources might need to modify this dynamically as extensions. This is where events become valuable.

import { resource, run, event } from "@bluelibs/runner";

type SecurityOptions = {
hashFunction: (input: string) => string;

const securityResource = resource({
/* Same as above, but create a setHasher method */
const afterSecurityInitTask = task({
id: "app.security.afterInit",
on: securityResource.events.afterInit, // Listening to afterInit event
async run(event, deps) {
const { config, value } = event.data;
const security = value;

// Custom hasher implementation
security.setHasher((input) => {
// Implement custom hashing logic here
console.log("Hashing input:", input);

// Register the security resource and the afterInit task in the app
const app = resource({
id: "app",
register: [securityResource, afterSecurityInitTask],

Another approach is to create a new event that contains the configuration, providing the flexibility to update it as needed.

import { resource, run, event } from "@bluelibs/runner";

const securityConfigurationPhaseEvent = event<SecurityOptions>({
id: "app.security.configurationPhase",

const securityResource = resource({
id: "app.security",
dependencies: {
async init(config: SecurityOptions) {
// Give the ability to other listeners to modify the configuration

return {
// ... based on config

// Define securityResource and securityConfigurationPhaseEvent as needed

const securityConfigTask = task({
id: "app.security.config",
on: securityConfigurationPhaseEvent, // Listening to securityConfigurationPhaseEvent
async run(event, deps) {
const { config } = event.data; // config is SecurityOptions
config.setHasher(newHashFunction); // Apply the new hash function

// Register the security resource and configuration task in the app
const app = resource({
id: "app",
register: [securityResource, securityConfigTask],

Previously, we discussed how to extend functionality using events. However, there are times when you need to replace an existing resource with a new one or swap out a task or middleware imported from another package that doesn’t support such changes.

import { resource, run, event } from "@bluelibs/runner";

// This example is for resources but override works for tasks, events, and middleware as well.
const securityResource = resource({
id: "app.security",
async init() {
// returns a security service

const override = resource({
init: async () => {
// a new and custom service

const app = resource({
id: "app",
register: [securityResource], // this resource might be registered by any element in the dependency tree.
overrides: [override],

The new securityResource will replace the existing one, ensuring all future references point to the updated version.

Overrides work if the resource being overridden is already registered. If multiple resources attempt to override the same one, no error will be thrown. This is a common scenario, where the root resource typically contains the most authoritative overrides. But it's also to be mindful about.

We expose through globals a logger that you can use to log things. Essentially what this service does it emits a global.events.log event with an ILog object.

import { task, run, event, globals } from "@bluelibs/runner";

const helloWorld = task({
id: "app.helloWorld",
dependencies: {
logger: globals.resources.logger,
run: async (_, { logger }) => {
await logger.info("Hello World!");
// or logger.log(level, data);
Log Level Description Usage Example
trace Very detailed logs, usually for debugging "Entering function X with params Y."
debug Detailed debug information "Fetching user data: userId=123."
info General application information "Service started on port 8080."
warn Indicates a potential issue "Disk space running low."
error Indicates a significant problem "Unable to connect to database."
critical Serious problem causing a crash "System out of memory, shutting down."

Logs don't get printed by default. You have to set the print threshold to a certain level. This is useful when you want to print only errors and critical logs in production, but you want to print all logs in development. Your codebase, your rules.

To showcase the versatility of the system, here are some ways you could do it:

import { task, run, event, globals, resource } from "@bluelibs/runner";

const { logger } = globals.resources;

const printLog = task({
id: "app.task.updatePrintThreshold",
on: logger.events.afterInit,
// Note: logger is
run: async (event, deps) => {
const logger = event.data.value;
logger.setPrintThreshold("trace"); // will print all logs
logger.setPrintThreshold("error"); // will print only "error" and "critical" logs

const app = resource({
id: "root",
register: [printLog],

// Now your app will print all logs

The logger’s log() function is asynchronous because it handles events. If you want to prevent your system from waiting for log operations to complete, simply omit the await when calling log(). This is useful if you have listeners that send logs to external log storage systems.

Additionally, there is a global.events.log event available. You can use this event both to emit log messages and to listen for all log activities.

import { task, run, event, globals } from "@bluelibs/runner";

const { logger } = globals.resources;

const shipLogsToWarehouse = task({
id: "app.task.shipLogsToWarehouse",
on: logger.events.log,
dependencies: {
warehouseService: warehouseServiceResource,
run: async (event, deps) => {
const log = event.data; // ILog
if (log.level === "error" || log.level === "critical") {
// Ensure no extra log() calls are made here to prevent infinite loops
await deps.warehouseService.push(log);

And yes, this would also work:

const task = task({
id: "app.task.logSomething",
dependencies: {
log: globals.events.log,
run: async (_, { log }) => {
await log({
level: "info",
data: { anything: "you want" };
timestamp: new Date();
context: "app.task.logSomething"; // optional

Fair Warning: If you plan to use the global.events.log event, ensure you avoid creating a circular dependency. This event is emitted by the logger itself. Additionally, some logs are sent before all resources are fully initialized. Therefore, it’s important to carefully review and verify your dependencies to prevent potential issues.

Oh yes, testing is a breeze with this system. You can easily test your tasks, resources, and middleware by running them in a test environment. It's designed to be tested.

You can easily test your middleware, resources and tasks by running them in a test environment.

The only components you need to test are the run function and the init functions, along with their proper dependencies.

import { task, resource } from "@bluelibs/runner";

const helloWorld = task({
id: "app.helloWorld",
run: async () => {
return "Hello World!";

const helloWorldResource = resource({
id: "app.helloWorldResource",
init: async () => {
return "Hello World!";

// sample tests for the task
describe("app.helloWorld", () => {
it("should return Hello World!", async () => {
const result = await helloWorld.run(input, dependencies); // pass in the arguments and the mocked dependencies.
expect(result).toBe("Hello World!");

// sample tests for the resource
describe("app.helloWorldResource", () => {
it("should return Hello World!", async () => {
const result = await helloWorldResource.init(config, dependencies); // pass in the arguments and the mocked dependencies.
expect(result).toBe("Hello World!");

Unit testing becomes straightforward with mocks, as all dependencies are explicitly defined. However, if you wish to run an integration test, you can have a task tested within the full container environment.

import { task, resource, run, global } from "@bluelibs/runner";

const task = task({
id: "app.myTask",
run: async () => {
return "Hello World!";

const app = resource({
id: "app",
register: [myTask],

Then your tests can now be cleaner, as you can use overrides and a wrapper resource to mock your task.

describe("app", () => {
it("an example to override a task or resource", async () => {
const testApp = resource({
id: "app.test",
register: [myApp], // wrap your existing app
overrides: [override], // apply the overrides for "app.myTask"
init: async (_, deps) => {
// you can now test a task simply by depending on it, and running it, then asserting the response of run()

await run(testApp);

This package is part of the BlueLibs family. If you enjoy this work, please show your support by starring the main repository.

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.